électro-folie (2020)
l'aversion reflétant ''...for Violectra" (2018)
for electric violin and live, diffused electronics
Alicja Pilarczyk
Performance "non-lieux:nie-miejsca"
Trafostacja Sztuki w Szczecinie
October 24th, 2020
Austrian Cultural Forum
September 22, 2021
© Michał Wojtarowicz
électro-folie (2020) • l'aversion reflétant ''...for Violectra" (2018) , is a piece for electric violin and live, diffused electronics. It is governed by the idea of percussive fragility and sliding instability. The main sound archetype is the organic interaction between wooden bow attacks and metallic thimble attacks on the strings of the e-violin. The piece gradually introduces multiple “glissando” gestures, slithers on the strings, in various speeds projecting a hidden world of granular subtleties that occur during the interaction of the thimbles on the strings. This becomes the central goal of the musical discourse while the structure is evolving.
The e-violin is one character within a virtual quadraphonic space (4 loudspeakers). The role of the electronics, primarily live, is to grasp the percussive density and transform it in the frequency and time domain. One of the roles of the live electronics is to generate a kind of “glue” that surrounds the instrumental gestures transforming them into a robust, thick and dense construction. In addition to that, the computer is responsible for the generation of multiple “e-violin identities”, instances that interact in a continuous counterpoint. One of the goals of the project is the disorientation of the audience by placing the e-violin, in unpredictable places, within the virtual quadraphonic space and blending it with the generated electronics.
Mieko Kano
Gaudeamus New Music Week 2018
Utrecht, the Netherlands
September 8th, 2018
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