07:30 minutes
“...qui s'enchaînent” (2022)
for large ensemble
07:30 minutes
September 29, 2022, Frankfurt, Germany
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Großer Saal
premiered by the International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA) 2021/22
The piece was commissioned by the Herrenhaus Edenkoben
10:30 minutes
“l’ appel du vide” (2022)
for soprano and string orchestra
10:30 minutes
September 18, 2022, Regensburg, Germany
premiered by the soprano Kaoko Amano and the Camerata Goltz
The piece was commissioned by the Kammermusikfestival Regensburg 2022 Awarded the Second Prize
09:15 minutes
"d'être étouffé" (2021)
for saxophone, accordion, viola, and double bass
09:15 minutes
December 17, 2021, Graz, Austria
premiered by the members of Klangforum Wien
Open Music 2021 - Junge Stücke
10:50 minutes
"dropLET_GO" (2021)
for flute, viola, and cello
10:50 minutes
September 24, 2021, Neustadt, Germany
Ensemble Risonanze Erranti
Festival Risonanze Erranti 2021
The piece was commissioned by the Festival Risonanze Erranti, Peter Tilling, with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.
07:30 minutes
"aux déBris" (2021)
for flute, clarinet, piano, harp, violin, and cello
07:30 minutes
September 10, 2021, Paris, France
Festival Ensemble(s) 2021
18:00 minutes
"en tranche" (2020)
for string quartet
18:00 minutes
August 19, 2021, Edenkoben, Germany
the Arditti Quartet
Herrenhaus Edenkoben
The piece was commissioned by the Herrenhaus Edenkoben with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.
11:30 minutes
"est croisée" (2020)
for large ensemble
11:30 minutes
September 11, 2020 Frankfurt, Germany
IEMA-Ensemble 19/20 Live-Stream On Air
zu Gast in Edenkoben
Other performances
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Großer Saal, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
im Rahmen des Studiengangs "Internationale Ensemble Modern + Akademie" an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst + Frankfurt (HfMDK), Abschlusskonzert 1 - September 19th, 2020
The piece was commissioned by the Herrenhaus Edenkoben with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.
11:45 minutes
"dû à l'usure" v.2 final (2019-20)
for female voice and small chamber ensemble
11:45 minutes
February 29, 2020 New York City
2019-20 annual Columbia Composers concert series
TAK ensemble performs works by COLUMBIA COMPOSERS
10:30 minutes
"dû à l'usure" v.1 (2019)
for female voice, bass clarinet, percussion & violoncello
10:30 minutes
August 30th, 2019 Hamburg
ISACM / IKI Hamburg
Nomination as Promising Young composer from
the European wide Ulysses Network / IRCAM 2018-19
14:00 minutes
sur les traces de la fissure (2018)
for baritone saxophone, violin, percussion & accordion
14:00 minutes
impuls festival 2019
February 14th, 2019 Graz, Austria
KUG. MUMUTH, György-Ligeti-Saal Lichtenfelsgasse 14, 8010 Graz
The piece was was written for and heartily dedicated to the
Concept Store Quartet
Other performances
Kammermusiktag der Hochschule für Musik, Musik-Akademie Basel, January 19th, 2019
2019 Basel Attacca Festival, Basel - June 15th, 2019
Finale des Concours Nicati 2019, Bern - August 31st, 2019
10:00 minutes
~ Drops ~ (2017)
for saxophone quartet
10:00 minutes
Premiere performance:
July 13th, 2018 Zagreb, Croatia
Quartet Iberosudamericano
18th World Saxophone Congress in ACADEMY OF MUSIC Fran Lhotka Hall
Other performances:
December 12th, 2019 Geneva – Switzerland
Quartet Iberosudamericano
The piece was commissioned by
the association "Friends for Music" of Venaria Reale
and was presented by the
Vagues saxophone quartet, Toniro – Italy, September 23rd, 2017
September 12th, 2020 Barcelona - Spain
Sigma Project Saxophone Quartet
"Drops" was the selected work at Mixtur Open Call 2020
11:00 minutes
Oblique (2015-2017)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello & piano
11:00 minutes
June 17th 2017 Mykonos – Greece, Grypario Cultural Center
OERKNAL ensemble
International Academy for Composers & Sound Artists
Mykonos, GREECE
08:30 minutes
impetuous flow: in flux (2016)
for alto flute, alto saxophone, percussion & piano
08:30 minutes
Premiere performance:
July 26th, 2016 at Città di Castello, Italy
Ensemble Suono Giallo
1st International ilSuono Academy for Young Composers 2016
American premiere:
April 14th, 2018 Abrons Arts Center, New York – NY
ICE, International Contemporary Ensemble
Annual Columbia Composers concert series 2017-18
Approx. 08:00 minutes
questioning the "un...-": in discomfort (2016)
for amplified quartet bass flute, bass clarinet, violin & violoncello
Approx. 08:00 minutes
Premiere performance :
July 9th, 2016 Saint-Martin-Vésubie (Alpes-Maritimes, France)
1st edition of the Altitude Composition Workshop
American premiere:
October 19th, 2019 New York, Areté Gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Inaugural concert of CanvaSounds collective
Amalgama ensemble
18:00 minutes
11 / q1 - q2 / 12 (2012-2016)
for string quartet
18:00 minutes
April 2nd, 2016 New York – NY
Mivos quartet
Annual Columbia Composers concert series 2015-16
Symphony Space
New York City, USA
05:30 minutes
enigma's “I”: away from [Anit] (2014)
for soprano and large ensemble
05:30 minutes
June 28th, 2014, Paris, France
Ensemble InterContemporain & Juliet Fraser
(EXAUDI vocal ensemble) under the baton of Julien Leroy
Manifeste 2014, the academy
10:45 minutes
Quando l'anIma è SatuRa: meaningless meandering for [Anit] (2014)
for amplified piano trio
10:45 minutes
Premiere performance:
York February 10th, 2014 Italian Academy, New York City, USA
Talea ensemble
Annual Columbia Composers concert series 2013-14
Other performances:
September 25th, 2014, Florence, Italy
Flame Florence Art Music Ensemble
September 12th, 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands
New European Ensemble
Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2015
March 20th, 2015 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
New Music Edmonton 2015
Hear This Now Festival
Approx. 02:00 minutes
false nostalgia: "I" - towards an ironic uncertainty - "RX" (2013)
for six pianos & twelve pianists
Approx. 02:00 minutes
November 5th, 2013 Thessaloniki, Greece
Piandaemonium piano ensemble
Thessaloniki piano festival 2013
Concert Hall of Thessaloniki
Approx. 07:30 minutes
spasmodic frictions: "X" - Aria Impulsiva - "R" v. 1 (2013)
for seven instruments
Approx. 07:30 minutes
September 6th, 2013, Abbey Royaumont, France
Namascae Lemanic Moderne Ensemble
Royaumont/ Voix nouvelles/ session de composition 2013
07:40 minutes
Momentum "X": An Illusory Impetus (2013)
for saxophone, violin & piano
07:40 minutes
July 25th, 2013, Tel Aviv
ensemble Nikel
Tzlil Meudcan 2013 International Festival &
Summer Course for New Music Performance & Composition
8:30 minutes
Meta-Morphisms (2013)
for bass clarinet and ensemble
8:30 minutes
June 10th, 2013 Buffalo, NY, USA
Talea ensemble
June in Buffalo International festival and Conference 2013
04:30 minutes
Restlessness (2012)
for voices and large ensemble
04:30 minutes
Premiere performance:
February 22nd, 2013 Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
Orkest de ereprijs
“Young Composers Meeting 2013”
in collaboration with the International Gaudeamus Music Week
(Composition Competition) in cooperation with
the Cultural Centre Gigant
10:00 minutes
Impressions (2012)
for violin and ensemble
10:00 minutes
December 15th, 2012 Rochester, NY, USA
Ossia New Music Ensemble
OSSIA New Music Organization
07:30 minutes
Delusive proximity (2012)
for large ensemble
07:30 minutes
Premiere performance:
December 15th & 17th, 2012 England & France
“ICP” ensemble (International Composers Pyramid)
Sounds New Contemporary Music Festival
Other performances:
March 15th, 2012 Rochester, NY, USA
Eastman Sinfonietta
November 17th, 2019, Moscow, Russia
Gala concert of the International Competition for Young Composers
"New Classics"
the orchestra of the Studio for New Music
under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia I. A. Dronov
The Rachmaninov hall of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory
08:50 minutes
les fragments d'un soufflé (2012)
for large ensemble
08:50 minutes
July 15th, 2012, Columbia MO, USA
the “Alarm Will Sound Ensemble”
Mizzou New Music Summer Festival, University of Missouri
07:00 minutes
String Quartet No. 2 (2012)
for string quartet
07:00 minutes
June 12th, 2012, Uppsala, Sweeden
Stenhammar Quartet
Uppsala University – Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies
10:00 minutes
l'écho d'une vision I. & II. (2012)
for piano solo
10:00 minutes
April 2012, Rochester, NY, USA
Daniel Pesca
Eastman School of Music
The piece was commissioned as part of the collaborative project
“Room for five” with the visual artist Anna Schuleit
12:00 minutes
Dialogues (2011)
for bass clarinet and piano
12:00 minutes
April 15th, 2012 Rochester, NY, USA
Eastman School of Music
11:00 minutes
String Quartet No. 1 (2011)
for string quartet
11:00 minutes
Premiere performance:
October 10th, 2011, Boston, USA
ALEA III International Composition Competition, Boston University
Other performances:
Ensemble Contrechamps
October 5th, 2012, Shanghai, China
5th New Music Week in Shanghai
09:00 minutes
Il Gran rifiuto (2010)
for large ensemble
09:00 minutes
March 10th, 2010 Thessaloniki, Greece
“dissonArt” ensemble
Fourth Composition Workshop of Contemporary Music
Concert Hall of Thessaloniki
09:00 minutes
Shadows (2009)
for chamber ensemble
09:00 minutes
April 10th, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece
Ensemble “ideefix”
International Composition Competition “Synthermia 2009”
08:00 minutes
Aenaon II (2009)
for chamber ensemble
08:00 minutes
February 15th, 2009, Athens, Greece
“Greek ensemble of contemporary music”
Composition Workshop for young composers
“Music of 20th and 21st century”
Concert Hall of Athens
12:00 minutes
The unexpected (2008)
for chamber ensemble
12:00 minutes
September 10th, 2008, Tirana, Albania
International Composition Competition “Ton de Leeuw 2008”
09:00 minutes
"Hyoidal Echoic Nexus” (2024)
for percussion and electronics
09:00 minutes
December 1, 2024, Brienza, Basilicata, Italy
Fabio Macchia
Commissioned by the MA/IN Festival 2024
Castello Caracciolo di Brienza Salita Santa Maria
22:00 minutes
"in dysto" (2023)
for amplified trio: saxophones (soprano & baritone), percussion, piano - and midi keyboard - and diffused electronics
22:00 minutes
August 3, 2023, Graz, Austria
Ex-Sentia ensemble
Impuls Festival 2023
MUMUTH – György-Ligeti-Saal
Other performances:
the “METABIOME” project, concert series:
Benr Aula Progr, Bern – Switzerland, November 15, 2023.
Theater Pavillon Luzern – Switzerland, November 14, 2023.
Centre Le Phénix, Fribourg – Switzerland, October 20, 2023.
Basel Ackermannshof, Basel – Switzerland, October 19, 2023.
The piece was commissioned by the ex-Sentia ensemble
11:30 minutes
"au sujet de fusion: la genèse d'un(e) . . ." (2020)
for amplified instruments bass flute, baritone saxophone, percussion, piano and diffused electronics
11:30 minutes
March 10, 2022, Bordeaux, France
Proxima Centauri ensemble
Le Rocher De Palmer
Other performances:
Miller Theatre at Columbia University, the Onassis Foundation's "Archive of Desire": A Festival Inspired by the Poet C. P. Cavafy, May 1st, 2023, New York City
Théâtre Les Salons, PlayHouse | Ensemble PlayTime, October 22nd, 2023, Geneva – Switzerland
14:00 minutes
“les instances” (2019-20)
for amplified ensemble and diffused, synthesized sounds • octet version •
14:00 minutes
April 23, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Schallfeld Ensemble
Bridges 2020
Wiener Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal
09:00 minutes
momentum "I": death & escape (2019)
for amplified bass flute and diffused electronics
09:00 minutes
April 26th, 2019, Weimar, Germany
Carin Levine
20th Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik 2019
Other performances:
October 6th, 2022, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of +Science and Technology, Shaw Auditorium
Angus Lee
Synesthesia: An Electroacoustic Music and Multimedia Concert
14:00 minutes
“les instances” (2019)
for diffused, synthesized sounds and large ensemble (12 instruments)
14:00 minutes
March 29th, 2019, New York City, USA
Talea ensemble
Annual Columbia Composers concert series
DiMenna Center for Classical Music in New York
15:00 minutes
“… for Violectra” (2018)
electric violin and electronics
15:00 minutes
September 8th, 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Mieko Kano
Gaudeamus New Music Week 2018
12:00 minutes
Machine learning (2018)
for baritone saxophone and electronics
12:00 minutes
Premiere performance:
Elvis Sousa
June 16th, 2018, Paris,France
Production IRCAM-Centre Pompidou
in collaboration with the Conservatoire national supérieur
de musique et de danse de Paris.
Other performances:
Theophilos Sotiriadis
May 11th, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
Museum of Byzantine Culture
Αμφιθέατρο «Στέφανος Δραγούμης»
Filippetti Enzo
June 19th, 2019, New York City, USA
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
& New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2019
Loreto Theater of NYU’s Sheen Center
14:50 minutes
…d'un archétype métallique (2017)
for eight instruments and electronics
14:50 minutes
May 1st, 2017, New York City, USA
Talea ensemble
Annual Columbia Composers concert series
DiMenna Center for Classical Music in New York
09:20 minutes
cris: embrassant l'intérieur (2017)
for accordion, bass clarinet & electronics
09:20 minutes
May 12th, 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Phonos Foudnation
Morhposis ensemble
Curso Internacional de Composición I
10:00 minutes
cracking slides: assembling the "detached " (2016)
for violin, cello, cimbalom, piano & electronics
10:00 minutes
December 3rd, 2016, Manchester, UK
Psappha ensemble
Music Classics Residency Program 2016
10:45 minutes
for flute, cello, ensemble and electronics
10:45 minutes
Premiere performance:
September 10th, 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands
International Ensemble Modern Academy
Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2015
Other performances:
September 16th, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany
International Ensemble Modern Academy 2015
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt
07:30 minutes
my grounding | surrounding [it]_self / h_I. v.1 (2015)
for four percussionist and electronics
07:30 minutes
September 5th, 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Slagwerk Den Haag percussion ensemble
Gaudeamus Muziekweek 2015
07:30 minutes
my grounding | surrounding [it]_self / h_I. v.2 (2015)
for solo percussion and electronics
07:30 minutes
December 20th, 2016, Matera, Italy
10:00 minutes
[Hiss] structure . . .from {with[in} - g] v.1.2 (2015)
for amplified flute, cello, piano and electronics
10:00 minutes
Premiere performance:
March 21st, 2016, Thessaloniki, GREECE
trio IAMA
Other performances:
May 10th, 2015 New York City, USA
[Switch~ Ensemble]
MATA Interval 8 Series
08:30 minutes
spasmodic frictions: “Aria Impulsiva v. 2 (2015)
for eight instruments and electronics
08:30 minutes
Premiere performance:
April 24th, 2015, New York City, USA
Wet Ink Ensemble
Annual Columbia Composers concert series
DiMenna Center for Classical Music in New York
Other performances:
September 10TH, 2016 Utrecht, the Netherlands
Ensemble Insomnio
ICMC, International Computer Music Conference 2016
05:00 minutes
for soprano, baritone, and large orchestra
05:00 minutes
June 28th, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Grande Auditório
Gulbenkian Orchestra under the baton of Luca Francesconi
ENOA workshop for Voices and Orchestra
07:00 minutes
"about" [Zr0]: a fallacy of a thread's grey trace (2014)
for orchestra
07:00 minutes
June 30th, 2014, Paris, France
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France under the baton of Hyun-Jin YUN
Manifeste 2014, the academy
10:00 minutes
L' allégorie de la caverne” (2011-2012)
for orchestra
10:00 minutes
October 20th, 2014, Brussels
Brussels Philharmonic under the baton of Michel Tabachnik
1st Prize at the 5th [‘tactus] Young Composers Forum 2013
08:00 minutes
Réflexions des nuages (2012)
for flute and orchestra
08:00 minutes
April 15th, 2012 Weimar, Germany
Jenaer Philharmonic Orchestra
under the baton of Markus L. Frank and
Carin Levine as the flute soloist
13th Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik 2012
1st Prize and “Audience’s Prize” sponsored by the “Bärenreiter” Publishing Company
14:50 minutes
“de faux échos”(2022)
for tape, octophonic diffusion Available in quadraphonic, stereo, and binaural versions
14:50 minutes
March 23, 2022 Coruña, Spain
The piece was commissioned by Prof. Roberto Alonso Trillo for the creative investigations of the DEBRIS PROJECT.
Other performances:
Australasian Computer Music Conference 2022 – PROXIMITY
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington – New Zealand, September 1st, 2022
Crane Lab, Nocturne acousmatique
Millery, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté – France, August 26th, 2022
DME Festival, at Lisboa Incomum Lisbon – Portugal, April 29th, 2022
10:20 minutes
L' osmose (2019)
for tape diffused within a dome of 32 loudspeakers.
10:20 minutes
September 19th, 2019 Oslo, Norway
The piece was commissioned by the Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival
Nomination as Promising Young composer from the
European-wide Ulysses Network / IRCAM 2018-19
Other performances:
Stereo version
November 23, 2024, KSYME Contemporary Music Research Center, Athens Conservatory, GREECE
November 15th, 2019, New York City, USA
DiMenna Center for Classical Music in New York
meta.ξ concert series 2019-20
muted blast/2 - works for solo piano, piano with electronics, & tape
03:00 minutes
Intimate sounds from the past (2017)
for tape
03:00 minutes
Premiere performance :
November 16th, 2017, Paris, France
Musée – Niveau 4, Musée – Niveau 5, Cinéma 1, Forum – Centre Pompidou
Other performances:
April 22nd, 2018 Thessaloniki, Greece
oFFBorders Festival, electroacoustic music, video and performing art
September 8th, 2018, Tehran, Iran
Avini Concert Hall
2nd Tehran International Electronic Music Festival
October 11th, 2024, Nafplio, Greece
Axis Mundi: A Convergence of Worlds (2024)
an interactive, networked-based audio installation
October 11th, 2024, Nafplio, Greece
The installation is commissioned by the CEEGS2024 Conference (Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference), supported by the Department of Performing and Digital Arts University of Peloponnese
+ This installation is supporting the RESONATE project.
"tactile resonances" (2020-21)
an interactive, audio installation December 18th – 23rd, 2021, Tino, Greece
+ This installation is supporting the RESONATE project.
It has been commissioned by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities Initiative