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  • Dimenna Center for Classical Music 450 West 37th Street New York, NY, 10018 United States (map)
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muted blast/2

Jana Luksts (piano)
Evan Runyon (bass)

works for solo piano, piano with electronics, & tape

lastnightIdreamedthatmywholehousewasclean, Elainie Lillios
Orbits, Dimitris Maronidis (U.S. Premiere)
Converge/Diverge, Artemis Gioti (U.S. Premiere) 
Theraps (1976), Xenakis, Iannis
Conversations, Zesses Seglias (World Premiere)


Apophatic Spectralism X, Dimitris Bakas (U.S. Premiere)
Through the Looking Sound, Esthir Lemi (U.S. Premiere)
L’ osmose, Stylianos Dimou (U.S. Premiere) 
εσθαι, Alexandros Spyrou (U.S. Premiere)
μ. kathodos [τ.δ.κ.χ.τ.]/eὐλογητάρια/tenebrae, iii. from [orfeas-zyklus], George Katehis (World Premiere)

November 17

2019 Gala concert of the International Competition for Young Composers "New Classics"