for soprano, baritone and large orchestra
"Tandem" is a project inspired by the homonymous text of the Greek poet Orfeas Apergis. The composition aspires to evoke a vocal dialogue with our inner self, the subconscious, or the mind during moments of void and despair within a toxic relationship. It manifests dualism through feminine and masculine characters, which ultimately dissolve into a sexless, internal battle in search of the true self, the true choice, and the truth. The vocalists are envisioned as a single vocal entity, magnified by the imposing presence of a grand orchestra. This composition conjures an augmented vocal amalgamation, a unified vocal body of harmonic and rhythmic multiplicities that evolve organically over time. This work seamlessly fuses text, meaning, and music into a singular entity, creating an intricate tapestry of sound and emotion.
The piece is commissioned by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as part of the ENOA workshop for voices and orchestra.
Text by Orfeas Apergis
Gulbenkian Orchestra under the baton of Luca Francesconi
Camila Mandillo (soprano), André Henriques (baritone)
Premiere performance:
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Grande Auditório
Lisbon – Portugal, June 28th 2024.
Video by James Newitt