“...qui s'enchaînent”
for large ensemble (2022)
IEMA 2021/22

“…qui s'enchaînent” is a piece for a large ensemble that explores the limits of recursive obsession and systemic propagation of musical events. It is unfolding multiple processes of repetition, formalizing microstructures with unique sonority characteristics and yet outlining superimposed identities of similar sonority objects. The notion of harmony comes to unify quasi-homogeneous materials for creating prominent sound archetypes that frame the canvas of broader musical ideas that formulate the piece's dramaturgy. Mimetic micro-variations and rhythmic metamorphoses are obsessively sculpting, and constantly re-formulating the timbral identities of the sound materials exposed. The piece is heartily dedicated to the musicians of the International Ensemble Modern Academy 2021-22.
September 29, 2022
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main (HfMDK)
Kleiner Saal